A drawing of a wallet which is digitally connected to internet of things devices like smart cars or fridges

All the Smart Things — Fintech, Blockchain and the Internet of Things

If the rooms had ears and the furniture had mouths … oh, how would they slander about our habits behind our backs?

Well, they can already talk to us for once: Voice-controlled assistant devices like Alexa and Siri inhabit our private spaces just now. And we can easily picture them having a conversation with each other, too (even though it would be a funny one for sure). But what if our clock radio told our food processor to get that smoothie ready, for we are about to leave for work? Or our watch told our bathtub to run us a remedial bath because we’re leaving our workplace with the first stirrings of a common cold? And think of a fridge, buying food articles once it runs out of them, using its own ewallet…

That’s where we enter the domain of the Internet of Things – a domain ripe with opportunities for fintech companies. 

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A flying rocket leaving the fintech year 2017 behind, thus symbolizing an end-of-year-review

Looking back: An End-of-Year Review for Fintech 2017

You know you had it coming.

Your calendar told you well beforehand: This year is going to end soon. Which means the symptomatical end-of-year reviews are springing up all over the place.

We’ll contribute. While waving farewell to the old year, we’re looking back on our last 12 months of business. What did we experience? What did we achieve? And, looking at the whole picture, how has the fintech industry been holding up in 2017?

It will be a fintech end-of-year review featuring balancr then. Here are our highlights of 2017:

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A number of signs displaying the words InsurTech, RegTech, WealthTech, PensionTech, and PropTech

Beyond FinTech — 5 *Techs That Shake Up Their Industries

FinTech does not always equal FinTech. The number of digital tools and technological advancements rejigging the financial sector would go beyond the scope of this article. If there is one thing that is true about most FinTech solutions, it’s their focus on “personal finance”. FinTech software often allows users to manage their finances on their own. He doesn’t need an intermediary anymore, such as a human advisor or a bank — although a robot advisor could still be thrown in.

Yet, when looking at the vast variety of technologies and software applications, one thing becomes clear: FinTech has quite a few peers running the show. They are *Techs in their very own right.

Let’s take a look at what we have!

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An ewallet, placed in between several stored-value powered apps, running on the foundation of CoreWallet

Use Case: Using CoreWallet for Stored Value Transaction Systems

Modern life can in many ways be broken down into a series of transactions. We give something, like information, money or services, and we get a corresponding value in return. In that regard, time really is money. And so are stored values like virtual assets, loyalty points, kilometers driven and hours of usage.

Effective stored value management has become an important factor for online and offline businesses – all the more as customers interact with stored value systems on a daily basis too. 

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Drawing of two planets, circled by a rocket, symbolizing challenges faced by fintech companies.

What Challenges Are Fintech Startups Facing Today

In an industry which is known to be slow to adapt to current digital trends, it feels like financial technology or more commonly known as fintech, is experiencing a renaissance lately.

Fintech startups are emerging from around the world. In a previous post, we listed some from Germany worth keeping an eye on. But that only provides a snapshot of what’s happening globally and what solutions are being developed. Technologies such as blockchain, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are being used to build products that improve the customer experience for financial services.

While all of this sounds great, behind the scenes there’s a number of unique challenges when starting up. Here, we take a look at what they are based on our experience working in fintech.

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Using Spring and Quartz with JobStore properties

This article describes how to use the Spring Framework and Quartz together when using org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties=true, meaning that all Job data is stored in the database as properties instead of serialized Java objects.

Normally this is not possible, because the Spring class SimpleTriggerFactoryBean stores a reference to the JobDetail in the JobDataMap, which cannot be represented as a set of properties.

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